Adjustable rate mortgages are a hybrid of variable and fixed 利率s. 一般, a fixed initial 利率 is offered the first few years of the loan, followed by variable rate interest after that. 因此, 投资者可以期望在贷款期限内获得不同的付款金额,而不是一致的付款金额, as with a fixed rate loan.
可调利率抵押贷款的优点是在固定的贷款期限内利率较低, 这反过来又给了你一个选择,在贷款的初始固定期限内支付较低的金额.
ARMs differ from fixed rate mortgages in many ways. 最重要的是, with an ARM the 利率 adjusts periodically, usually in relation to an index, and payments may go up or down accordingly. ARM rates may have a fixed rate period of 三年, 五年, 七年 or 10年 . 在最初的固定利率期之后,利率和付款可能会相应变化.
See our great mortgage rates for our whole line of mortgage products.
Q: Which factors can help me get the lowest 利率 on my mortgage?
A: Our loan officers consider an applicant’s debt-to-income ratio, 信用记录, 首付, 房价, 贷款类型. 一般, applicants who have higher credit scores, 较低的整体债务, and a secure income can access lower rates.
Q: How much of a home loan can I afford?
A:当你买房子的时候,抵押贷款机构会看你的收入、资产和首付款. They also consider your liabilities and obligations, 包括汽车贷款, 信用卡债务, 孩子的抚养费, potential property taxes and insurance, and your overall credit rating. These variables come together to determine the total loan amount.
使用 这个计算器 will give you an idea of how much of a mortgage you may be able to obtain. 然而, 十大彩票游戏平台欢迎您与十大彩票游戏平台的抵押贷款专业人士之一交谈,他们可以帮助您考虑所有变量,以确定适合您的贷款和贷款金额.
Q: How is the 利率 on a mortgage determined?
A: Mortgage loan index rates vary from day to day based on 优惠利率,这是美国.S. Federal Reserve influences. 从那里, 十大彩票游戏平台通过检查你的信用评分来确定你有资格享受什么样的利率, 付款历史, and employment history. The better your finances, the lower the rate you are offered.
A:固定利率的抵押贷款有固定的利率和月供. 可调利率抵押贷款(ARM)的利率根据优惠利率而变化, which we mentioned above. 与ARM相关的可变利率意味着该类型贷款的月还款额随着利率的变化而变化.
For information about mortgage loan variables, 请十大彩票游戏平台,与十大彩票游戏平台知识渊博的抵押贷款团队成员之一联系,电话800-852-7598, 2977分机.
Q: How are payments determined on a variable rate mortgage?
利率, 贷款期限, 贷款结束后的余额是十大彩票游戏平台决定你每月首付款本金和利息的标准.
Let’s use the 5/1 ARM as an example. Payments are set up so that you can pay off your loan in 360 months. As 利率s go up or down, your payments could change after 60 months. 然后,在这段时间之后,你的付款金额可能每12个月改变一次.
Other factors can affect your monthly payment in the meantime, depending on a change in your taxes, 评估, 和更多的.
There are limitations on the changes that can be made to 利率s. On the first change date, they won’t increase or decrease by more than 2.自初始利率起计的000个百分点(不包括任何回购).
Q: How will I be notified of any adjustments?
如果利率有任何变化,调整通知至少每年发布一次. 如果利率的变化也意味着你的月供的变化,你会收到书面通知. This written notification will come at least 25 calendar days, 但不得超过新水平付款到期前120个日历日.
You’ll see the adjusted payment amount, 利率, 索引值, and the outstanding loan balance at the time.
Mortgage Loan 资源
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有了合适的抵押贷款,你就离购买梦想中的房产更近了一步. 让十大可靠彩票平台今天帮你找到完美的抵押贷款.